Looking for a few good Development Directors...
It's 2008, and non-profit organizations across the country are closing the books on 2007. It's the time of year when one of two things happen:
My friends at Rainbow Days Inc. are looking for a Director of Development.
So are the great and good folks at the North Texas Food Bank.
Neither of those up your alley? Take a look at the jobs available at Opportunity501.org, a Texas non-profit jobs site hosted by the Center for Non-profit Management.
Or, if you're not ready for a new job, check this opportunity to become a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE)... and save yourself some money in the process.
You've been meaning to work on your CFRE application, to make this level of commitment to your profession. Don't procrastinate! Achieve your goal this year.
To provide you with a bit of incentive, we have EXTENDED the DEADLINE for applications to test during March 2008 to a postmark of January 31, 2008.
If you submit your application between now and January 31, 2008 and take the exam during the March 2008 testing window, we will enter you into a drawing to have your full application fee REFUNDED.
Click here to complete your online application: http://app.cfre.orgtoday.
If you need assistance completing your application or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact their office staff (+1 703.820.5555, x101) who are there to assist you.
This is your year - don't let another year go by without getting your CFRE. Join over 5,300 fundraising professionals who have demonstrated their knoweldge and skills by achieving their CFRE designation.
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