Thursday, July 10, 2008

'Groundswell' Gains a Following - Advertising Age - Book Reviews

Here is an intereting article in Advertising Age about the aptly named book, "Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies," which serves as a "guide to (often misguided) marketers about how to go about setting up a groundswell strategy, they offer up the acronym POST:

  • People. Are your customers interacting with social technologies? Which ones? How do they use them?
  • Objective. What does a company hope to accomplish with a groundswell strategy?
  • Strategy. How will those objectives be achieved?
  • Technology. Which vendor or technology can help accomplish the goals?
Read the full article here:

The book also has an accompanying blog here, which I found pretty well designed (which should not be surprising, considering the topic of their book):

What do you think of this article? Rate it below.

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