Fundraising Blogs from the AFP Community
Thanks to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) for including this blog in their recent article:
Fundraising Blogs from the AFP Community
Here is an excerpt from that article with some of the blogs they reference:
- Donovan’s Donor Diary ( by Jim Donovan, president and CEO of Donovan Management Inc. in Lake Monroe, Fla.
- Everyday Giving Blog ( by Roger Carr, founder of Everyday Giving in Fredericksburg, Va.
- Fundraising for Nonprofits blog ( by Gayle Roberts, fundraising counsel, Fundraising for Nonprofits in San Francisco, Calif.
- New Voices of Philanthropy ( by Trista Harris, executive director of Headwaters Foundation for Justice in Minneapolis, Minn.
- Perspectives From the Pipeline ( by Rosetta Thurman, director of development and special programs at the Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington in Washington, D.C.
- The Raiser’s Razor ( by Jeremy Gregg, CFRE, director of development at Central Dallas Ministries in Dallas, Texas.
- Sue’s Muse ( by M. Sue Woodward, CFRE, president of Woodward Associates in Potomac, Md.
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