Make space for art... and win $5,000!
I recently blogged about the noble work of my dear friend, Catherine Cuellar, who would push boulders up mountains to make our world a better place.
Looking into her story a bit more, I uncovered this wonderful article in the Dallas Morning News that gives some more details on her latest project.... La Reunion, "where life and art unite."
"La Reunion TX plans artists' compound in Oak Cliff |"Pictured here is a photo from that story; the tagline reads, "Sarah Jane Semrad (right) and Catherine Cuellar plan to build the compound around a railroad trestle."
Well, it turns out that La Reunion is sponsoring "the most irresistible dream project ever" ... more details at this link, and quoted below:
la reunion tx: where life and art unite :: architecture
La Reunion TX announces the most irresistible dream project ever in the form of a juried architecture exhibit! We seek ideas for a sustainable live/work space for up to 10 artists with a multifunctional space for intimate performances, installations, and exhibits. It will be built in and around an amazing site which is also the home of a startling historic artifact -- a trestle leftover from the Interurban Rail Line. Cash prizes to selected entries. Please visit link below for an entry form, specs, downlowdable poster by Square 1, and more info!

la reunion tx: architecture contest