Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Resources for Tracking Policy Changes re: Nonprofits

Advocacy Cartoon
Nonprofit Advocacy can be a messy business
One of our members at the Center for Nonprofit Management asked the following question earlier today:

"What resources (journals, subscription services, websites etc.) are available for learning about administrative (government) and judicial decisions affecting the operation of non-profits?"

I thought that it was a good question, so here are some of the answers we came up with:

  • TANO Public Policy web page – - legislative issues affecting nonprofits in Texas through the Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations.
  • OMB Watch - provides updated infor­mation about the latest pending federal legislation and regulation affecting non-profits as well as uses of technology for public policy participation. "The OMB Watcher," an e-newsletter, discusses key public policy issues racing the non-profit sector and environment. OMB Watch also co-chairs the Let America Speak coalition, defending non-profit advocacy rights ( ).
  • - a portal for taking action on issues of concern to the nonprofit sector, sponsored by the National Council of Nonprofit Associations and Independent Sec tor. Users can lobby directly on federal and state legislation affecting nonprofits.
  • Center for Public Policy Priorities www.cppp.Org -analyzes legislative and administrative actions affecting the health and well being of vulnerable populations in Texas.
In addition to these, I pointed our client to the V3 Campaign, founded by Robert Egger (the dynamic force behind the DC Central Kitchen). V3 is working hard to ensure that the interests of our sector are represented in the halls of government, so that we can be pro-active in our pursuit of legislative change for the benefit of our organizations and those we serve. 

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