I'm it, and now you are
Thanks to the Donor Power Blog for this tag:
- Pick up the nearest book.
- Open to page 123.
- Find the fifth sentence.
- Post the next three sentences.
- Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.
I still plan to do that. Honestly. I just have this problem with finishing books... I start them all. Even great ones remain unfinished. Indeed, I would say that I have started some of the greatest books in the world -- and when and if I ever finish them, I will be a better man for it. Besides, Ardath Albee already wrote a fine review here.
But back to the task at hand.
Page 123 lies within Chapter Six -- Sticky Stories: Memory, Emotions and Markets.
After skipping five full sentences, here is what I have for the next three sentences:
"We know we have, though our particular version adds the wrinkle of also not having any pants (we know, don't ask). If you have spent any time onstage -- and the stage doesn't have to be large; a seat in the corporate boardroom, or a room in which you are standing in front of a screen with a PowerPoint running behind you as you make a presentation to clients, or event an office where you are running through a well-rehearsed pitch to your boss for the raise you so richly deserve is more than large enough -- we can almost guarantee you've had some variation of it. As we mentioned in chapter 2, stage fright is a universal."My God, that was a long three sentences...
Anyway, TAG! YOU'RE IT! Since I was not really tagged by Jeff Brooks, creative director at Merkle, for this exercise... I am just openly tagging all of you.
Come on, Phil Cubeta, I bet you're up for it.
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