Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm it, and now you are

The Elements of Persuasion: Use of Storytelling to Pitch Better, Sell Faster and Win More Business
Thanks to the Donor Power Blog for this tag:

  1. Pick up the nearest book.

  2. Open to page 123.

  3. Find the fifth sentence.

  4. Post the next three sentences.

  5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.
For me, the book was "The Elements of Persuasion: Use of Storytelling to Pitch Better, Sell Faster and Win More Business" by Richard Maxwell & Robert Dickman. The book has been sitting on my desk for months, having been sent to me by the publishers in the hopes that I would review it.

I still plan to do that. Honestly. I just have this problem with finishing books... I start them all. Even great ones remain unfinished. Indeed, I would say that I have started some of the greatest books in the world -- and when and if I ever finish them, I will be a better man for it. Besides, Ardath Albee already wrote a fine review here.

But back to the task at hand.

Page 123 lies within Chapter Six -- Sticky Stories: Memory, Emotions and Markets.

After skipping five full sentences, here is what I have for the next three sentences:
"We know we have, though our particular version adds the wrinkle of also not having any pants (we know, don't ask). If you have spent any time onstage -- and the stage doesn't have to be large; a seat in the corporate boardroom, or a room in which you are standing in front of a screen with a PowerPoint running behind you as you make a presentation to clients, or event an office where you are running through a well-rehearsed pitch to your boss for the raise you so richly deserve is more than large enough -- we can almost guarantee you've had some variation of it. As we mentioned in chapter 2, stage fright is a universal."
My God, that was a long three sentences...

Anyway, TAG! YOU'RE IT! Since I was not really tagged by Jeff Brooks, creative director at Merkle, for this exercise... I am just openly tagging all of you.

Come on, Phil Cubeta, I bet you're up for it.
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