Thursday, September 18, 2008

Is it really the economy, stupid?

Fundraising Success
The aptly named Fundraising Success brings out another strong article on donor development
I'll admit, I've been tempted to blame the economy for what I see as a very slow year despite some really amazing improvements in my organization's development efforts.

This article from Randy McCabe, founder and CEO of MPower, slapped some sense back into me:

Five Tactics to Rev Up Fundraising in a Down Economy at FundRaising Success

I think the article is good, so I won't post it here in the hopes that you'll click above. But here are the five tactics that the article outlines:

1. Connect with your donors’ pain.
2. Call mid to major donors now.
3. Begin year-end campaigns in September with installment options.
4. Use alternative giving vehicles.
5. Focus on segmentation and target total net income (not return on investment or revenue).

Read the full article here:

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